December 1, 2010


is an economic system based on Agri-business profit efforts regardless of impact on environment and public health. It is characterized by investments that are determined by prices, production, and distribution of goods under the guise of competition in a free market (1). Enticement, environmental injustice, manipulation of government policy, below living wage employment, with isolation of profit at the upper corporate echelons are all core benchmark values (2,3).

1. Democracy Now! The War and Peace Report
2. U.S. Environmental Protection Agency: Environmental Justice
3. Living Wage Calculator for Honolulu County, Hawaii
4. Joe Strumer and the Mescaleros: Johnny Appleseed

November 1, 2010

D.O.A. (part 10)

"Those who cannot remember the past are condemned to repeat it. (1)"

So often we forget. They changed the trash pick-up to Thursday, now I'm really screwed. Over a two year period less the same time past, 20 school children were taken to the hospital in Waimea. What happened? I forget. It happened again about 2 miles west. Twenty seven people have died of cancer in my neighborhood. Oh. There's a neighborhood in Wailua that has almost that many children diagnosed with A.S.D. (2). It's like Erin Brockovich. No. It's like Michael Clayton. That was a screen play, not real (3). Is Erin Brockovich real? Some parts. Communities were torn apart and change occurred. "Make a solemn promise: to enjoy our rightful part of the riches of this land, to throw off the yoke of being considered as agricultural implements or slaves. We are free men and we demand justice (4)."

1. George Santayana. The Life of Reason or The Phases of Human Progress: Reason in Common Sense 284 (2nd ed., Charles Scribner's Sons, New Your, New York 1924
2. Autism and Pesticide Exposure
3. Askville by amazon:
Is the movie Michael Clayton based on a true story?
4. UC Davis: Cesar Chavez

5. Image: "The Thinker" at the Rodin Museum, Philadelpia, PA

October 4, 2010


to dissolve out by the action of a percolating liquid, taking away

"If you know your soil's potential for leaching and your pesticide's potential leaching, you are ready to determine the soil-pesticide interaction rating. You should know whether your soil has a high, intermediate, or low potential for leaching. You should also know whether your pesticide has a large, medium, small, or extra small potential for leaching. To see how these factors interact, refer to this chart (1)."

1. University of Illinois: College of Agricultural,
Consumer and Environmental Sciences, "50 Ways Farmers can Protect Groundwater", #24

September 1, 2010


The cultivation or growth of a single crop or organism especially on agricultural or forest land.

"A growing number of people have become concerned about the long-term sustainability of existing food production systems. Evidence has accumulated showing that whereas the present capital- and technology-intensive farming systems have been extremely productive and competitive, they also bring a variety of economic, environmental and social problems (2) ." "Evidence shows that the very nature of the agricultural structure and prevailing policies have led to this environmental crisis by favoring large farm size, specialized production, crop monocultures and mechanization... The lack of rotations and diversification take away key self-regulating mechanisms, turning monocultures into highly vulnerable agroecosystems dependent on high chemical inputs... An excessive reliance on monoculture farming and agroindustrial inputs, such as capital-intensive technology, pesticides, and chemical fertilizers, has negatively impacted the environment and rural society (3)" "The need to subsidize monocultures requires increases in the use of pesticides and fertilizers, but the efficiency of use of applied inputs is decreasing and crop yields in most key crops are leveling off. In some places, yields are actually in decline. There are different opinions as to the underlying causes of this phenomenon. Some believe that yields are leveling off because the maximum yield potential of current varieties is being approached, and therefore genetic engineering must be applied to the task of redesigning crop. Agroecologists, on the other hand, believe that the leveling off is because of the steady erosion of the productive base of agriculture through unsustainable practices (4)."

1. Merriam-Webster Dictionary
2.Conway, G.R. and Pretty, J.N. 1991. Unwelcome harvest: agriculture and pollution. Earthscan Publisher, London.
Altieri, Miguel A. 2000. Modern Agriculture: Ecological impacts and the possibilities for truly sustainable farming
4.Altieri, M.A. and P.M. Rosset 1995. Agroecology and the conversion of large-scale conventional systems to sustainable management. International Journal of Environmental Studies 50: 165-185.

August 1, 2010


ED: emotional disturbance
"Risk = Toxicity + Exposure"

A review of the "Characteristic Signs and Symptoms for Several Pesticide Active Ingredients and Classes of Pesticides" indicates varied states of emotional duress resulting from exposure to certain pesticides (2). Not listed, the pesticide Chlorpyrifos is widely used in the cultivation of GMO Corn on the island of Kauai. Psychiatric symptoms associated with acute exposure to Chlorpyrifos include anxiety, depression, memory loss, confusion, stupor, bizarre behavior, and restlessness. In children symptoms include seizures, flaccid muscle weakness, pupil constriction, excess salivation, and mental status changes including lethargy (3). Repeat or prolonged exposure to chlorpyrifos may result in the same effects as acute exposure, including the delayed symptoms. Other effects reported on workers repeatedly exposed include impaired memory and concentration, disorientation, severe depression, irritability, confusion, headache, speech difficulties, delayed reaction times, nightmares, sleepwalking and drowsiness or insomnia. An influenza-like condition with headache, nausea, weakness, loss of appetite and malaise has also been reported(4).

1. National Dissemination Center for Children with Disabilities
2. Characteristic Signs and Symptoms for Several Pesticide...
3. National Pesticide Information Center : "Chlorpyrifos Fact Sheet"

4. Chlorpyrifos Fact Sheet

July 4, 2010


SLD: specific learning disabilities
"Risk = Toxicity + Exposure"

"Exposure is practically ubiquitous. We're all exposed (1)." Prior consideration of variables, a recent study found detectable levels of pesticide compounds in the urine of 94 percent of children tested. Research findings support the hypothesis that organophosphate exposure, at levels common among US children may contribute to ADHD prevalence (2). Seventeen percent of children in the United States have been diagnosed with one or more developmental disabilities. This percentage has risen dramatically in the past decade and continues to increase. These disabilities are... the result of complex interactions among genetic, environmental, and social factors that impact children during vulnerable periods of development. Research demonstrates that pervasive toxic substances, such as mercury, lead, PCBs, dioxins, pesticides, solvents, and others, can contribute to neurobehavioral and cognitive disorders (3). The US National Academy of Sciences estimates that at least 25% of learning and behavioral disabilities are due to either known toxic substances or the interactions between environmental factors and genetic predispositions(4).

Exposure to pesticides may lead to:
• Impairment of short-term memory
• Slower psychomotor and reaction speed
• Emotional instability, more frequent instances of anxiety, irritability, and depression
• Personality disorders or changes, mood changes
• Shortened attention spans, associated with ADHD (Attention deficit hyperactivitydisorder), which affects 3 to 6% of all school children
• Delays in physical stamina and hand-eye coordination
• Decreased number of brain cells and neurotransmitter receptors with exposure during critical points of development, that lead to significant IQ deficits and reading impairments
• Incomplete development of the fetal brain (5)

1. Author Maryse Bouchard of the University of Montreal
2. "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate Pesticides"
3."In Harm's Way: Toxic Threats to Child Development": Physicians For Social Responsibility

4. "Our Stolen Future"
5. "Pesticides and Learning Disabilities"

June 4, 2010


ADHD: attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder
“Risk = Toxicity + Exposure”

Toxicity is the capacity of a chemical to cause harm to health. The amount needed to cause harm depends on the chemical. Like other chemicals, some pesticides are more toxic than others. A small quantity of a highly toxic pesticide can cause great harm..., the longer you are exposed the greater the chance of harm
(1). A new analysis of U.S. health data links children's attention-deficit disorder with exposure to common pesticides... (2). The study found that the risk of having ADHD increases in children who have higher concentrations of dialkyl phosphate metabolites. The metabolites indicate exposure to organophosphates, pesticides that affect the nervous system. Those with higher-than-average levels of this metabolite were two times more likely to have ADHD than those whose levels were undetectable (3,4). The new study shows it's possible even tiny, allowable amounts of pesticide may affect brain chemistry (2,4).

1. What Are the Potential Health Effects of Pesticides? -
California Department of Pesticide Regulation
"Research links pesticide with ADHD in children"
3. "Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder and Urinary Metabolites of Organophosphate Pesiticides" - Pediatrics, May 17
4. "Pesticides may increase risk of ADHD in children"
- American Medical News

May 1, 2010

Malama I Ka Honua

"Cherish the Earth" - Journal of the Sierra Club, Hawaii Chapter

Malama I Ka Honua, a quarterly newsletter published by the Sierra Club in it's most recent issue recognized Maluhia Group for it's efforts. Maluhia Group members were named Pono award recipients for their work which resulted in an end to the spraying of chlorpyrifos and organophosphate pesticides on agricultural lands adjacent Waimea Canyon Middle School. Since pesticide application ceased there have been no "spikes" of illness indicative of pesticide exposure to students or staff. Previous illness "spikes" were attributed to the benign weed Cleome Gynandra by state, federal, and corporate investigators without scientific investigation despite illness symptoms being verbatim M.S.D.S. of known applied pesticides. Maluhia Group members continue their Community Based Participatory Research Project in an effort to:
  1. Determine the concentration of pesticides in the air at Waimea Canyon Middle School
  2. Review school health records, weather data, and known application dates to evaluate possible correlations of illness "spike" events with pesticide exposure.
  3. Use the data collected to renew a call for legislation eliminating the use of pesticides in close proximity of schools and communities.
  4. Inform the affected community and the media of the research project results.
  5. Provide free access to this data to be used as a benchmark for other communities addressing similar challenges through public forum and the Maluhia Group blog.
  6. Establish a statewide database of incidents involving pesticide drift and the adverse health effects of G.M.O. agriculture practices to individuals and the environment.
  7. Continue building the capacity to carry out advocacy work promoting viable alternatives to harmful, synthetic pesticides, by holding informative workshops, bringing in guest speakers, communicating information about pesticides to the public.

April 1, 2010

April Fool's

Trouble on the Farm...

Attempts to discover what happened to the County of Kauai City Council's $50,000 contribution to CTAHR to study Cleome Gynandra have gone unanswered. This weed was blamed for 2 years of student and staff illness at Waimea Canyon Middle School on the island of Kauai. During acute incident's students and staff were taken to the hospital. Coincidentally, it's been 2 years since pesticide spraying on bordering ag land leased by Syngenta ceased and there have been no incidents of illness "spikes". Attached are photos taken on 02-24-2010 of Field #809 covered in blooming Cleome Gynandra. No one was taken to the hospital. The field was plowed under on 02-26-2010. This plowing cycle has been occurring for the past 2 years covering the campus in pesticide lading dust(2). Cleome Gynandra is the only weed that grows in the field now .

1. Trouble on the Farm - Growing Up with Pesticides in Agricultural Communities
2. Practice Prevention
2. Pictures of Field # 809 taken 02-24-2010
21-57-44.20N / 159-40-29.86W

March 2, 2010

Vandana Shiva: The Future of Food - Part 3

"...the beginning of learning once again, what nature can do for us (1)."

1. Vandana Shiva: Future of Food - Part 3

February 1, 2010

Vandana Shiva: The Future of Food -Part 2

Unfortunately even computer genius Bill Gates has been sold the GMO solution to world hunger myth (1). Despite his renowned efforts with limited experiential knowledge, he should meet with more people like Dr. Vandana Shiva and less venture capitalist Frankenstein farmers. True long-term solutions for the world's hunger crisis do not require subjugation to corporations.

1. "The Daily Show": an interview with Bill Gates (1:53)

January 2, 2010

Introducing Dr. Vandana Shiva

...a physicist, ecologist, activist, editor and author of numerous books, Dr. Vandana Shiva is a tireless defender of the environment (1).

1. The My Hero Project - Dr. Vandana Shiva
2. Vandana Shiva:The Future of Food - Part 1