March 15, 2013
Qing X. Li, Jun Wang and Robert Boesch
Department of Molecular Biosciences and
15. Estimated exposure to the
pesticides and MITC in ambient air at Waimea Canyon Middle School (WCS) and
Hanalei Elementary School (HES).
*Click graph to enlarge.
The above graph was
compiled using the data from Table 15, page 30 of the “Final ProjectReport for Kauai Air Sampling Study” , March 15, 2013
by Qing X. Li, Jun Wang Department of
Molecular Biosciences and Bioengineering University of Hawaii and
Robert Boesch Hawaii Department of Agriculture. This study has been used repeatedly by opponents of Bill2491 (Ordinance 960) and journalist’s as lending “support to Syngenta’s
contention that the middle school odors were from the aptly named stinkweed,
not pesticides (1).” MITC represented in the graph is a target volatile natural
chemical emitted by Cleome Gynandra (stinkweed). DDT and BHCs and their persistence once
released into the environment should be the lesson learned and not
repeated. They were created by the same pesticide companies Bill2491 (Ordinance 960) addresses. Chlorpyrifos, Bifenthrin, and
Metolachlor are all restricted use pesticides used by the GMO Seed/Pesticide
industry (e.g. Syngenta, Dow, DuPont, Monsanto). The debilitating symptoms
expressed by students and staff during incidents occurring at Waimea Canyon
Middle School are listed on the "Materials Safety Data Sheet" potential health effects for each of the restricted use pesticides listed on the graph.
1. Pollack,
Andrew. "Unease in Hawaii’s
Cornfields.” New York Times [NY] October 7, 2013: 2. The New York
November 13,2013